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Announcement of Doctoral Dissertation Defense


Title: Subsurface Flow and Transport Processes with Applications to Methane Variations on Mars

Adviser: Harihar Rajaram

Date: March 19th, 2024 at 9 am

Location: Ames 302 (Johns Hopkins University) and via Zoom


AGU Fall Meeting 2023


I will be delivering a talk at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023 for the New Mars Underground III oral session. I will be presenting on recent work to determine strategic sampling times for the Curiosity rover to collect atmospheric methane samples in order to constrain diurnal and seasonal methane fluctuations.

When: Thursday December 14th 2023 Ā Ā  | Ā Ā  17:20 - 17:30 (PST)

Where: 216 - South (Level 2, South, Moscone Center)

Title: Sub-Diurnal Methane Variations on Mars Driven by Barometric Pumping and Planetary Boundary Layer Evolution


In recent years, the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument on board the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover has detected methane variations in the atmosphere at Gale crater. Methane concentrations appear to fluctuate seasonally as well as sub-diurnally, which is difficult to reconcile with an as-yet-unknown transport mechanism delivering the gas from underground to the atmosphere. We consider barometrically-induced transport of methane from an underground source to the surface, modulated by temperature-dependent adsorption as a mechanism to potentially explain the fluctuations. The subsurface fractured-rock seepage model is coupled to a simplified atmospheric mixing model to provide insights on the pattern of atmospheric methane concentrations in response to transient surface methane emissions, as well as to predict sub-diurnal variation in methane abundance for the Northern Summer period, which is a candidate time frame for Curiosityā€™s potentially final sampling campaign. The best-performing scenarios indicate a significant, short-lived methane pulse just prior to sunrise, the detection of which by SAM-TLS would be a potential indicator of the contribution of barometric pumping to Marsā€™ atmospheric methane variations.



Investigating the role of complex sandbar morphology on nearshore hydrodynamics

Cohn, N., Ruggiero, P., Ortiz, J. P., & Walstra, D. J. (2014). Investigating the role of complex sandbar morphology on nearshore hydrodynamics. Journal of Coastal Research, (70 (10070)), 53-58.

Quantifying regional sediment flux from observations of nearshore morphology in the Columbia River Littoral Cell

Ortiz, J. P. Quantifying regional sediment flux from observations of nearshore morphology in the Columbia River Littoral Cell. Dartmouth College Senior Honors Thesis Collection.

Exploring the potential linkages between oil-field brine reinjection, crystalline basement permeability, and triggered seismicity for the Dagger Draw Oil field, southeastern New Mexico, USA, using hydrologic modeling

Zhang, Y., Edel, S. S., Pepin, J., Person, M., Broadhead, R., Ortiz, J. P., Bilek, S. L., Mozley, P. S., & Evans, J. P. (2016). Exploring the potential linkages between oilā€field brine reinjection, crystalline basement permeability, and triggered seismicity for the Dagger Draw Oil field, southeastern New Mexico, USA, using hydrologic modeling. Geofluids, 16(5), 971-987.

The Role of Fault-Zone Architectural Elements and Basal Altered Zones on Downward Pore Pressure Propagation and Induced Seismicity in the Crystalline Basement

Ortiz, J. P. The Role of Fault-Zone Architectural Elements and Basal Altered Zones on Downward Pore Pressure Propagation and Induced Seismicity in the Crystalline Basement. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

Summary of a Gas Transport Tracer Test in the Deep Cerros Del Rio Basalts, Mesita del Buey, Los Alamos NM,United States

Stauffer, P. H., Rahn, T. A., Ortiz, J. P., Salazar, L. J., Boukhalfa, H., & Snyder, E. E. (2018). Summary of a Gas Transport Tracer Test in the Deep Cerros Del Rio Basalts, Mesita del Buey, Los Alamos NM (No. LA-UR-17-31351). Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States).

Immobile Pore-Water Storage Enhancement and Retardation of Gas Transport in Fractured Rock

Harp, D. R., Ortiz, J. P., Pandey, S., Karra, S., Anderson, D., Bradley, C., Viswanathan, H., & Stauffer, P. H. (2018). Immobile pore-water storage enhancement and retardation of gas transport in fractured rock. Transport in Porous Media, 124(2), 369-394.

Evidence for high rates of gas transport in the deep subsurface

Stauffer, P. H., Rahn, T., Ortiz, J. P., Salazar, L. J., Boukhalfa, H., Behar, H. R., & Snyder, E. E. (2019). Evidence for high rates of gas transport in the deep subsurface. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(7), 3773-3780.

Identification of dominant gas transport frequencies during barometric pumping of fractured rock

Harp, D. R., Ortiz, J. P., & Stauffer, P. H. (2019). Identification of dominant gas transport frequencies during barometric pumping of fractured rock. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-9.

The role of faultā€zone architectural elements on pore pressure propagation and induced seismicity

Ortiz, J. P., Person, M. A., Mozley, P. S., Evans, J. P., & Bilek, S. L. (2019). The role of faultā€zone architectural elements on pore pressure propagation and induced seismicity. Groundwater, 57(3), 465-478.

Beyond Barnwell: Applying lessons learned from the Barnwell site to other historic underground nuclear tests at Pahute Mesa to understand radioactive gas-seepage observations

Bourret, S. M., Kwicklis, E. M., Harp, D. R., Ortiz, J. P., & Stauffer, P. H. (2020). Beyond Barnwell: Applying lessons learned from the Barnwell site to other historic underground nuclear tests at Pahute Mesa to understand radioactive gas-seepage observations. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 222, 106297.

Geologic characterization of nonconformities using outcrop and whole-rock core analogues: hydrologic implications for injection-induced seismicity

Petrie, E. S., Bradbury, K. K., Cuccio, L., Smith, K., Evans, J. P., Ortiz, J. P., Kerner, K., Person, M., & Mozley, P. (2020). Geologic characterization of nonconformities using outcrop and core analogs: hydrologic implications for injection-induced seismicity. Solid Earth, 11(5), 1803-1821.

Continentalā€Scale Geographic Trends in Barometricā€Pumping Efficiency Potential: A North American Case Study

AvendaƱo, S. T., Harp, D. R., Kurwadkar, S., Ortiz, J. P., & Stauffer, P. H. (2021). Continentalā€Scale Geographic Trends in Barometricā€Pumping Efficiency Potential: A North American Case Study. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(17), e2021GL093875.

Gas diffusion through variably-water-saturated zeolitic tuff: Implications for transport following a subsurface nuclear event

Neil, C. W., Boukhalfa, H., Xu, H., Ware, S. D., Ortiz, J., AvendaƱo, S., Harp, D. R., Broome, S., Hjelm, R. P., Brug, W. P., & Stauffer, P. H. (2022). Gas diffusion through variably-water-saturated zeolitic tuff: Implications for transport following a subsurface nuclear event. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 250, 106905.

Barometric pumping through fractured rock: a mechanism for venting deep methane to Marsā€™ atmosphere

Ortiz, J. P., Rajaram, H., Stauffer, P. H., Harp, D. R., Wiens, R. C., & Lewis, K. W. (2022). Barometric Pumping Through Fractured Rock: A Mechanism for Venting Deep Methane to Mars' Atmosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(14), doi:10.1029/2022GL098946.

This article was also featured on the cover of this GRL issue.

Sub-diurnal methane variations on Mars driven by barometric pumping and planetary boundary layer evolution

Ortiz, J. P., Rajaram, H., Stauffer, P. H., Lewis, K. W., Wiens, R. C., & Harp, D. R. (2024). Sub-diurnal methane variations on Mars driven by barometric pumping and planetary boundary layer evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 129, e2023JE008043. doi:10.1029/2023JE008043.

Preferential adsorption of noble gases in zeolitic tuff with variable saturation: A modeling study of counter-intuitive diffusive-adsorptive behavior

Ortiz, J. P., Neil, C. W., Rajaram, H., Boukhalfa, H., & Stauffer, P. H. (2025). Preferential adsorption of noble gases in zeolitic tuff with variable saturation: A modeling study of counter-intuitive diffusive-adsorptive behavior. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 282, 107608. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2024.107608.




Graduate Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate course, New Mexico Tech, Earth & Environmental Sciences Department, 2015

Developed lesson plans and led class lectures and field trips for 20+ students in intermediate and upper level undergraduate Earth Sciences lab sections. Taught lab sections for courses in Geomorphology and Stratigraphy & Paleontology with work load totaling 20 hrs/week.

Grading Assistant

Undergraduate course, Johns Hopkins University, Environmental Health & Engineering Department, 2019

Graded weekly homework assignments for 20+ upper-level undergraduate engineering students in an Introduction to Fluid Mechanics course. Occasionally taught course lectures as needed.