
Welcome to my webpage!

I am a Postdoctoral researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in the Energy and Natural Resources Security Group (EES-16). My primary research area is multi-phase fluid flow and transport in porous and fractured media, and I am also very excited about topics related to planetary exploration (e.g., Mars methane), nuclear monitoring, hydrogeology, and petroleum geofluids. I enjoy developing and applying multi-phase flow and transport models in creative ways to answer emerging questions at the intersection of subsurface flow, fracture-matrix interactions, and reactive transport. You can find more information about my research at my LANL Expertise Profile.

I am open to collaboration, so please reach out to me at my email in the sidebar if you are interested in working with me!

Research Interests

  • planetary science
  • hydrogeology
  • fracture flow
  • numerical modeling
  • petroleum geofluids

  • For more info about my research areas, see Research.


    • Johns Hopkins University, 2024

      Ph.D. Environmental Engineering

    • New Mexico Tech, 2017

      M.Sc. Hydrogeology

    • Dartmouth College, 2014

      B.A. (Honors) Earth Science
