
Welcome to my webpage!

I am a Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in the National Security Earth Science Group (EES-17).

My primary research area is multi-phase fluid flow and transport in porous and fractured media, and I am also very excited about topics related to planetary exploration (e.g., Mars methane, Ocean Worlds, Titan, hypervelocity impacts), nuclear monitoring, hydrogeology, and petroleum geofluids. I enjoy developing and applying multi-phase flow and transport models in creative ways to answer emerging questions at the intersection of subsurface flow, fracture-matrix interactions, and reactive transport. You can find more information about my research at my LANL Expertise Profile.

I have many research interests and am open to collaboration, so please reach out to me at my email in the sidebar if you are interested in working with me!

Research Interests

  • planetary science
  • hydrogeology
  • fracture flow
  • numerical modeling
  • petroleum geofluids

  • For more info about my research areas, see Research.


    • Johns Hopkins University, 2024

      Ph.D. Environmental Engineering

    • New Mexico Tech, 2017

      M.Sc. Hydrogeology

    • Dartmouth College, 2014

      B.A. (Honors) Earth Science
